24 April 2010

Stupid Victorian place names

One of the things I enjoyed about my time in Victoria was reading the map.  Seems like the early settlers named places by getting high and taking a random flip through the dictionary, or just making up new words for fun.  Try these favourites on for size:
  • Pakenham Upper
  • Mt Little Dick
  • Chinkapook
  • Tangambalanga
  • Dandongadale
  • Yarck
  • Drung Drung
  • Tittybong
Ok, I understand that some of these stem from the language of the places' traditional owners, but they're still rather entertaining to say aloud in your helmet.


  1. Repeat after me, in the most twangy Lee Kernigan Aussie accent you can muster... Dan Don-ga Dale... If you're not laughing right now, you're not Australian. Ü

  2. you know me Marge, I can't even say the word "Tittybong" without giggling like a little school girl. tee hee hee...
